Getaway far North to the archipelago heart5
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21 days

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Tour Code
Getaway far North to the archipelago heart

Tour Type
Request as Private

Departure Type

Age Requirement
5 - 80 Ages

Guiding Method
Partially guided

Operated In

Physical level

Tour route map


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Tour Overview

An incursion that will reveal the essence of Madagascar in complete freedom in terms of taste, culture and nature. A trip that will take you to discover the nature of the North-Western part of the island and special encounters with the local inhabitants during which you will immerse yourself into their daily life and their cash crop fields. Among your stop overs, Nosy-Be Island, where you will explore several paradisiacal islets with white sandy beaches and a sea rich in fauna and flora. Encounters with lemurs are inevitable during your stay. Undoubtedly, this trip to Madagascar will allow you to live an experience as diverse as it is rich in emotions.


  • • Antananarivo Ambohimanga queen’s palace.
  • • Ankarafantsika national park.
  • • Majunga city
  • • Katsepy with Antrema national park.
  • • Discover the Aye Aye lemur at Anjiamangirana reserve.
  • • Cocoa, Vanilla, Coffee and Ylang ylang plantations at Ambanja.
  • • Nosy be island and surrounding.
  • • Ankarana national park.
  • • Red tsingy.
  • • Diégo Suarez and surrounding.


On your arrival at the Ivato international airport, you will be welcomed by our team. Then, transfer to the hotel where you will spend a night.
• Duration: 9 min
• Distance: 4.8 km
• Accommodation: RELAIS DES PLATEAUX hotel or similar

After breakfast, briefing to explain your travel program. Discovery of Ambohimanga Rova. This cradle of the Merina ethnic group which is located 20 km from the city center is one of the region's flagship sites, classified as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. Lunch at the restaurant on the way. On the way back, visit of a Padre Pio Charity House Center to meet autistic children and young people who manage to do some very beautiful and incredible handicrafts! It is a center supported by our tour operator in its charitable activities. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.
• Duration: 2h 30 driving time and 3 hours of visit.
• Distance: 24 km
• Meals included: Breakfast
• Accommodation: RELAIS DES PLATEAUX hotel or similar

Taking National Road 4, we head towards the north west coast of the island. Along the way, you will be able to admire the beauty and immensity of the varied landscapes through the famous plateaus of Tampoketsa. A short break at Maevatanana, the warmest place of the big island which is famous for its mining resources where you will have the opportunity to see the gold diggers. Lunch then extension to Ankarafantsika, installation at the hotel. At the beginning of the evening, we will go to meet small mammals, reptiles and nocturnal birds. Dinner and overnight at the hotel or camping in Ankarafantsika.
• Duration: 09 h
• Distance: 440 km
• Meals included: Breakfast
• Accommodation: BLUE VANGA LODGE or similar

Awakened by the cries of lemurs and the songs of birds, you are indeed in this immense park "in the kingdom of birds". A choice of tours with experienced local guides awaits you for this beautiful day. You won't miss the walk around the Ravelobe Lake with its crocodiles and its history. Lunch and departure for Majunga after the visit. Dinner. Installation and night at the hotel.
• Duration: 4 h
• Distance: 117 km
• Meals included: Breakfast
• Accommodation: LES ROCHES ROUGES hotel or similar

After breakfast, let's discover the city of Majunga and its surroundings: a few kilometers from this big city, "Le Grand Pavois", a beautiful beach is waiting for you to relax. Lunch in the nearby restaurant, you will appreciate the savour of seafoods like lobsters, camarons (large freshwater prawns), gambas, sea shrimps,... depending on the season.
In the afternoon, discovery of the city. Then, we will go to visit the "red circus" from where you will be able to admire the beautiful sunset. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

• Meals included: Breakfast
• Accommodation: LES ROCHES ROUGES hotel or similar

After breakfast, you cross the mouth of the Betsiboka River by ferry or speedboat between 30min and one hour. It is a great adventure that also allows you to have an exchange with the local passengers. The small fishing village of Katsepy is a pleasant place for excursions. We leave the village to reach the all-metal lighthouse with its magnificent panorama of the Blue Circus, and relaxation on the beach.
Picnic lunch, return to Majunga in the afternoon. A city tour to reveal its secrets, visit of the port of dhows, markets, colonial buildings and we will end the day by taking beautiful pictures around the Great Baobab, symbol of the city. Dinner and night at the same hotel.
• Duration: 1 hour by boat
• Meals included: Breakfast and picnic lunch
• Lodging: LES ROCHES ROUGES hotel or similar

We will take the RN4 to Ambondromamy, then turn left to join the National 6 to Anjiamangirana. Free lunch at the restaurant on the way. Installation at the camp. Visit of the night park in the reserve for looking the Aye aye and other species of Lemurs. Dinner and night at the camp.
• Duration: 6 h 30
• Distance: 339 km
• Meals included: Breakfast and dinner
• Accommodation: At the tent camp

After breakfast, departure to Antsohihy, to live in the Malagasy way. We will meet the local people, see what they do in their daily life, and especially participate in local activities: cart ride through the fields for planting tobacco, cotton, lentils, beans ... or harvesting depending on the season. You will be able to attend the making and tasting of local rum as well as the making of local cane sugar, preparing a picnic lunch together. Discovery of the city towards the end of the afternoon. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
• Duration: 1 hour drive
• Distance: 48 km
• Meals included: Breakfast, Picnic lunch
• Accommodation: BELLE VUE hotel or similar

After a peaceful breakfast, let's leave for Ambanja, considered as a strategic place for the production of cocoa, coffee, pepper and ylang-ylang. Lunch at the restaurant on the way.
The city is located on the banks of the Sambirano River. Arrival in the afternoon, check-in at the hotel. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
• Duration:5 h
• Distance: 200 km
• Meals included: Breakfast
• Accommodation: HIBISCUS hotel or similar

After breakfast, departure to join the pier in Ankify, then transfer by boat to Hell-ville, on Nosy Be. Installation at the hotel. Lunch at the restaurant. In the afternoon, transfer to Dzamandzar to meet a family association which will warmly welcome you with traditional music and dance for an exchange and then, visit of the pineapple field. Return to the hotel. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
• Duration: 1 hour drive and 1 hour navigation.
• Distance: 25 km to the pier, 24 km Dzamandzar round trip
• Meals included: Breakfast
• Accommodation: MADAGASCAR RESORT NOSY BE or similar

Nosy Be, a town named "island of perfumes". First of all, the city tour is a must but we will start by going to see the sacred tree and its history then we will visit the zoological and botanical park "Lemuria Land". In this park, we will also find the plantation and the distillery of Ylang-ylang. Lunch at the restaurant. After this beautiful morning, we will wait for the famous sunset at Passot Mount, the highest point of Nosy Be which rises to 329 m of altitude. It is also a strategic place from where we have a breathtaking view of the small sacred blue lakes and the surrounding islets. Return to Nosy Be, free dinner and night at the hotel.

• Meals included: Breakfast
• Accommodation: MADAGASCAR RESORT NOSY BE or similar

Boat trip, to discover two pretty islets around Nosy Be. As its name indicates, "Nosy Komba" or island with lemurs offers us a kind of excursion, meeting with the lemurs and other fauna and flora species, artisanal visit where you can find superb tablecloths, jewels, as well as wooden objects. Picnic lunch.
As for Nosy Tanikely, where we prepare our picnic, it is famous for its marine reserve which allows us to do snorkeling and diving. Here also a meeting with lemurs is possible and you will be able to see colonies of fruit bats that occupy the trees. We will take the dugout canoe back to Nosy Be. Dinner and night at the hotel.
• Meals included: Breakfast and picnic lunch.
• Accommodation: MADAGASCAR RESORT NOSY BE or similar

This course deserves a day of relaxation in the beautiful beach of Nosy Sakatia. This island, 3km square, west of Nosy Be, is home to a plantation of Ylang-ylang and other orchids. Picnic lunch. After this visit, a swim in the warm sea is possible. This island is also famous for its marine reserve where you can swim with turtles and other aquatic species. Dinner and night at the hotel.
• Meals included: Breakfast and picnic lunch.
• Accommodation: MADAGASCAR RESORT NOSY BE or similar

After breakfast, departure for Ankarana. Transfer to the pier to take the boat to Ankify. It's an hour of sailing, during which you enjoy the landscape, and enjoy taking pictures. The car picks you up in Ankify to take you to Ankarana. On the road before arriving in Ambanja, an exciting stop to visit the Millot plantations. These are plantations of export products: coffee, vanilla and especially cocoa, which is one of the best in the world and the most sought after by chocolate companies. You will also have the opportunity to discover in Ambanja the manufacture of carts by visiting the Tsimanavaka workshop located in Tanambao V, as well as the rice fields: one of the main sources of income of the populations of this part of the island. Lunch at the restaurant. It is possible to make a bike ride depending on the weather. After lunch, on the way to Ankarana Park. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
• Duration: 4 hrs.
• Distance: 200 km
• Meals included: Breakfast
• Accommodation: ANKARANA LODGE or similar

After breakfast, beginning of the visit and discovery of Tsingy of Ankarana.
Ankarana is a massif of coral origin. It extends over a little more than 30km where canyons, forests, caves and underground rivers reign supreme.
In addition, this small town located in the south of Diego-Suarez is the cradle of the Antakarana people. An obligatory passage when one is in this part of the island. Here, the remarkable discoveries that you will make will be the Tsingy and the karstic landscapes, as well as the many varieties of plants and endemic species.
The reserve covers 18 220ha. Among the species that can be found are 10 species of lemurs (Crowned Lemur, Sanford's Lemur), 92 species of birds of which 54 are endemic to Madagascar. Picnic lunch.
Thrill-seekers will meet in the afternoon for a visit of the small Tsingy, including the bat cave where stalactites and stalagmites meet in profusion. Dinner and night at the hotel.
• Duration: All day
• Meals included: Breakfast and picnic lunch
• Accommodation: ANKARANA LODGE or similar

After breakfast, departure in the morning for Antsiranana (Diégo-Suarez), and we turn right about fifty kilometers before Diégo to have a look at the red Tsingy. These Tsingy are the result of an erosion also called lapiaz. The mixture of different oxides and the work of time gave birth to a set of a few hundred small fairy chimneys. Picnic lunch.
Diégo-Suarez: One of the largest cities in the north of the Red Island. In this country of the Antakarana, you have the choice between enjoying the softness of the Mozambique Channel in the West or the beauty of the Indian Ocean in the East.
During the discovery of the city, you will quickly realize that the must-see are the bay of Diego-Suarez and the sugar loaf. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
• Duration: 4 hours
• Distance: 170 km
• Meals included: Breakfast and picnic lunch
• Accommodation:LE GRAND HOTEL or similar

Breakfast very early in the morning, transfer by car to Ramena and this is where the adventure begins, to get to Suarez Island. Better to take a sailing boat with a good navigator. While crossing the sea, you will already be able to see the turquoise blue color of this sea in the sea. When arriving at Suarez Island, several activities are possible: Swimming, lazing by the Emerald Sea, snorkeling and fishing. While waiting for the fishing products of the pirogues, talented women in the kitchen will prepare a good aperitif for you. Picnic lunch.
Big waves are possible, especially in the southern winter, so there may be a change of itinerary depending on the season or wind. Return to Ramena then continuation to Diego. Dinner and night at the hotel.
• Duration: 20 km to Ramena
• Distance: 615 km
• Meals included: Breakfast and picnic lunch
• Accommodation: LE GRANDHOTEL or similar

After breakfast at the hotel, departure for the Montagne d'Ambre Park. A short stop to discover the old colonial city of Joffre-ville.
At the Montagne d'Ambre, you will discover a unique flora. Thanks to the abundant rain that falls in this part of the island, large trees such as the Ramy and Famelona as well as the Rotra are present. The fauna is also of exceptional beauty, with lemurs and birds, as well as dogfish and butterflies. Picnic lunch. Return to the hotel in Diégo-Suarez. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
• Duration: All day
• Meals included: Breakfast and Picnic lunch
• Accommodation: LE GRANDHOTEL or similar

Turquoise sea, white sandy beach: these are the decorations that will adorn day 19 of your trip. The Bay of the Dunes, the Bay of the Pigeons, the Bay of the Sakalava, with islets connected at low tide, await you. Dinner and night at the hotel.
• Duration: 1 hour
• Distance: 40 km
• Meals included: Breakfast, Picnic lunch
• Accommodation: LE GRANDHOTEL or similar

Breakfast at the hotel. Before taking the flight back to Antananarivo, some shopping will be possible to buy souvenirs. Then transfer to the airport. Depending on the flight schedule, lunch either at the restaurant of Diego or at the hotel in Antananarivo. Dinner and night at the hotel.
• Duration: 1h20 flight time
• Distance: 615km
• Meals included: Breakfast
• Accommodation: GRAND HOTEL URBAN or similar

After breakfast, departure to discover the lower, middle and upper city of Antananarivo. Visit of the Queen's Palace and its surroundings up to a panoramic viewpoint. Taking of pictures. Lunch at the restaurant of the Upper Town. Discovery of the craft market at Digue then return to the hotel for a day use. Dinner offert and transfer to the airport for the flight back to your home country.

• Meals included: Breakfast and Dinner
• Accommodation: RELAIS DES PLATEAUX hotelor similar

Trip includes


•Accommodation with breakfast as indicated in the program (or similar), based on double room.

Professional English, French, Italian or Spanish speaking guide according to your request.

•Picnic lunches on Day 6, Day 8, Day 12-13 and Day 15-16-17-18-19; and dinners on Day 7 and Day 21 at the restaurant in Antananarivo.

•A vehicle with fuel during the trip

•Entrance fees to the parks and sites indicated
•Local guides and porters in the parks•
•Vignettes and tourist taxes
•One bottle of water per person per day


•International flights
•The domestic flight of Diégo-Antananarivo

•Your personal insurances

•Meals not included in the program 
•Tips and drinks•
•Expenditure of a personal nature
•The price of the visa: +/- 35 €.



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By design, this is a group tour. You can however request a private, customized version of this tour for yourself or your private group of people. Private departures are usually more expensive, but come with these benefits:


Itinerary can be tweaked and customized.


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Cancellation Policy

On our global marketplace TravelShop Booking Supplier is recognized globally as an online tourism marketplace connecting travelers, suppliers, and tour operators worldwide. All users acknowledge that TravelShop Booking is a platform not liable for canceled tours, poor services, or unforeseen circumstances occurring before, during, or after the tour.

Additionally, all suppliers (worldwide companies providing land services) are responsible for adding their cancellation terms and conditions to their dashboard, which can be viewed in the "Cancellation Policy" section on the front page of the website. However, if a supplier fails to include their cancellation terms and conditions, the following rules apply, and by booking a tour, both the supplier, operators, and travelers agree to abide by them.

All parties must understand that this text will be valid if any Supplier has not added their cancellation policy to the system. By booking any supplier's tour via our website, all parties will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.

  1. Suppliers are global companies that provide land tours and services to operators and travelers. According to the TravelShop Booking Supplier agreement, all Suppliers are responsible for adding their own terms and conditions, including information on tour cancellations.
  2. All travelers and operators need to check the including and the excluding section locate in the tour detail page below the itinerary and Supplier must add this section while he/she adding his tour to the website. In the event that the included and excluded sections are empty and the parties disagree on this issue, an agreement will be reached between the parties by determining the included and excluded services on similar tours with similar prices. At this stage, the parties are deemed to have agreed to rely on the initiative of TravelShop Booking.
  3. Reservations: Reservations can be made from the Tour Detail page, from the Availability section located below the itinerary. Additionally, right below the Availability section, travelers can select the Private Tour option to contact the tour operator and book the tour privately. Simply fill out your contact details and write your question; one of our experts will promptly respond to assist you. Please note that some tours may not be customized privately; therefore, there is no Private Tour option in the Availability section.

    Once you confirm your booking by clicking the "Book Now" button, you will be directed to the Checkout page. Firstly, enter all your details, and please double-check the names, passport, and flight details. Upon proceeding with the booking, we will charge a 25% booking deposit to your credit card.
  4. Deposit and Payments: Your booking will be confirmed upon receipt of a non-refundable deposit for your online order by credit card. Payment will then be made in stages as indicated below.
    Booking Day4 Weeks Before2 Weeks Before
    Land Tours15%
    Non Refundable
    Tours with domestic flights25%
    Non Refundable
    Yacht Tours25%
    Non Refundable

    The full amount of the tour must be paid 15 days before the departure date. If not, it will be consider as a cancellation, hence cancellation penalties will be charged. However, if you have booked any of our tours, including domestic flight tickets, then cancellation penalties and the full amount of the flights will be charged.

    Payments with Visa and Mastercard can be made in pounds, euros, or dollars. However, if you choose to pay with American Express, a 4% bank fee will apply.

    A reservation made through the website on a regular basis cannot be changed. However, travelers can discuss the services and other details if they book the tour privately. Tours booked privately can only be changed if seats are available. Any changes to an entire private reservation will be considered a cancellation and will be subject to cancellation fees, resulting in a 100% loss of deposit.

  5. Booking Changes: Once your private booking is confirmed, any changes will incur a €50.00 fee.
  6. Cancellations and Refunds: Cancellation quieries must be made in wirten and signed by the traveler or tour operators.
  7. Due to limited seats and the organizations being planned days in advance, any Anzac Day Gallipoli Tours will not be refunded, including the 25% deposits.
  8. If you have booked a tour that includes domestic flight tickets, the tickets will be charged at the full amount. Cancellations must be made at least 8 weeks before the tour departure; otherwise, late penalties will apply.

    The rest of the cancellation terms are listed below:
    4 Weeks Before3 Weeks Before2 Weeks Before1 Weeks Before
    Land Tours85%50%30%No refund
    Domestic Flight Tours & Yacht Tous75%50%30%No refund
  9. Please remember no refund policy applies on all flight tickets. Travelers and Operators might hae keep thie balances without refund amounths is they prefer to keep them in the system as Future Tour Credits. This is a convenient way to avoid from both no refunds and decrease the full amounts.

Future Tour Credits: This system is designed for travelers who wish or need to cancel their booking due to certain reasons. In such cases, travelers and operators can retain the full balance amount in the system and utilize it for a future tour. Additionally, travelers can book new tours from the deals pages and, by doing so, not only avoid reduced refund amounts but also avail of discounted tours.

Future Tour Credits are only applicable for tours listed on the deals page; campaigns offering substantial discounts, such as Black Friday deals, are not valid. However, they can choose their new tours from all categories on our pages.

What Is Future Tour Credit?: Future Tour Credits is a feature that allows travelers to re-book their travel at a later date instead of canceling for some reason. Sometimes travelers may have to or want to cancel their paid travels due to reasons beyond their control. With this feature, you can specify the amount as credit and allow them to use it for their re-bookings with your brand for a new date. Suppliers and travelers can notify us through [email protected] for details.

Yacht and Hotels: The availability of accommodations is always a crucial aspect of nearly all types of tours. If the hotel listed by the Supplier in the included and excluded sections is unavailable, the Supplier is responsible for arranging a similar hotel for the traveler and notifying the traveler accordingly.

Prices: All suppliers are responsible for keeping their prices up to date. In the event that a supplier's price is not current at the time of a booked tour, they are obligated to conduct the tour at the price listed on our platform. Therefore, we strongly advise suppliers to review and update their prices at least every six months, - twice a year.

Discounts / Special Offers: If travelers book a discounted tour from any of the Suppliers, they are required to make the full payment at the time of booking. Additionally, no cancellations or refunds are accepted for discounted tours. This rule protects the supplier from potential financial losses while also incentivizing them to offer promotions.

Children Discounts: children between 0 to 11 have discounts listed below. Older than 11 years old children are charged full amount and children younger than 18 must travel with ab adult. There will be no exception about it. Also 25% of the tour coast will be charges for baby seats for buses.

Under 2 Years Old2-6 Years Old7-11 Years OldAbove 11 Years Old
Land ToursFreeFree25%Full amount
Tours with Domestic FlightsEuro 20 for flight tickets50%25%Full amount
Baby seat for bus+25%+25%N/AN/A

Flights: If it is not a special category, generally, international and domestic flights are not included to the tours. Hence, travelers are responsible for booking their own international flight tickets and notifying the supplier of their arrival if airport transfer is promised. Flight cancellations, delays, and all types of flight penalties are the responsibility of the traveler and the airline company. The supplier bears no responsibility in such cases.

Tours included domestic flight tickets: Certain tour packages feature domestic flight tickets. In this case, the supplier needs to provide you with copies of all your flight tickets, tour vouchers, itinerary, hotel contact information, and confirmation emails. Additionally, these documents will be included in your welcome pack upon arrival at the airport. It's crucial to carefully review all information (names, arrival and departure times, flight details, etc.) and promptly notify us of any discrepancies. Once booked and confirmed, we cannot be held responsible for any errors in this information. Please note that a maximum of 15-20 kilograms is allowed on domestic flights.

Insurance: Having travel insurance will protect travelers against unexpected situations such as health problems, flight delays, burglaries, etc., during your tour. Therefore, we highly advise all travelers to obtain insurance before departure.

a. The following insurance policies, which are not included in any tour packages, can be helpful against unforeseen circumstances.

b. Travel cancellation insurance: This helps minimize financial risk in case the traveler needs to cancel before departure.

c. Travel interruption insurance: This helps minimize financial risk in case the traveler experiences an interruption during the trip after departure.

Adequate health insurance.

All suppliers need to provide travelers with the transport schedule, luggage limit information, airport transfers, guides, and meeting point information via email and upon meeting travelers in person. Additionally, it is the travelers' responsibility to review the instructions carefully and not to miss the meeting points and times.

Entrance Fees: All entrance fees mentioned in the itinerary are included in the tour price and will be paid before or during the tour. Additionally, travelers have the option to visit museums and other places with entrance fees at their own expense if they wish.

Accommodation: Suppliers are required to provide the hotels listed in the itinerary. However, in cases where the listed hotels are unavailable due to reasons such as seasonality or other mandatory circumstances, suppliers must offer similar alternatives to the travelers.

Check in and check out: According to global standards, hotel check-in time is typically 14:00, and check-out time is 12:00. To inquire about early check-in and late check-out options, suppliers and/or travelers need to contact the hotel directly.

Private and Regular Tours: Both regular and private tours are offered on our website. A private tour is exclusive to those with reservations, while a regular tour allows for a larger number of participants. Pricing varies based on group size and tour type. Please be aware that the Supplier reserves the right to modify the order of activities outlined in the booked itinerary if necessary.

Optional tours: Depending on your tour, you can find various optional tours on our website and book them separately. It's important to note that these optional tours are not included in traveler's main tour package. While travelers can book these optional tours online.

Passports & Visas: Travelers need a valid passport and visa for the country they will visit. TravelShop Booking and Suppliers do not provide any passports or visas for any cases. They can only provide invitation letters, which will help you in your visa application after you have paid the full balance of the tour.

Personal items: TravelShop Booking&Suppliers are not responsible for the loss of personal items such as jewelry, money, or valuable documents. Utilizing the hotel safes or facilities provided at the Guest Relations Desk can be helpful in safeguarding your belongings. Additionally, travel insurance is professionally recommended to travelers for unforeseen events.

Travel Prohibitions: Passengers who are 27 weeks pregnant or more may be prohibited from traveling, prioritizing their safety and health. However, travel may be permitted with sufficient medical documentation up to 24-26 weeks of pregnancy. Please consult your doctor before planning your tour.

Dietary Requirements: If you need or require special dietary requirements, including vegetarian, diabetic, children's menus, and dairy-free options please notify your Supplier before the tour departure. If you have any dietary sensitivities, please notify them at least 2 weeks before your tour start date.

Handicapped Services: Suppliers offer private services tailored to meet handicapped requirements, along with accessible tours. For assistance, please reach out to your tour supplier to make arrangements.

Photos and Videos during tour: At times, Suppliers gather photos and videos to share on their social media accounts and for marketing purposes. Suppliers should always ask for travelers' permission first. Travelers have the option to decline participation in these visual documents. If travelers notice any photos or videos being shared without their consent, please inform your Supplier and us ([email protected]) to have them removed.

Tipping: Tipping, like in the rest of the world, is a cultural practice that fosters goodwill and encourages helpfulness. Please check your itinerary for tipping details or ask your Supplier.

Disclosure Notice All travelers acknowledge that TravelShop Booking is a global marketplace that offers an online platform connecting tour suppliers providing various land services, operators who purchase tours for their travelers, and travelers seeking tours, including optional tours across various categories. All users are aware of and agree to this.

TravelShop Booking reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to allow suppliers worldwide to post, upload, publish, submit, or transmit text, images, graphics, videos, or other materials (collectively, "Content") on the platform. When Suppliers share Content on the Platform, they grant TravelShop Booking permission to use it, including in publications and promotional materials. By granting this permission, Suppliers provide TravelShop Booking with a worldwide, irreversible, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free license. TravelShop Booking does not claim ownership of this content. Moreover, these Terms do not limit any rights you may have to use and exploit the Content. Additionally, TravelShop Booking can remove any Content deemed abusive, harmful, illegal, pornographic, incites hate, obscene or defamatory, racist, sexist, or similar without prior permission or notification.

On our global platform, tours are booked directly with the respective supplier, and their current terms and conditions apply. If the suppliers have not uploaded their terms and conditions, then TravelShop Booking's terms and conditions are applicable. By booking a tour, the supplier, operator, and travelers agree to our terms and conditions.

By clicking "Book Now," you are booking the tours provided by that specific supplier. The contract for your travel adventure is established when the supplier accepts your booking. In this scenario, the contract is directly between you, the traveler and the supplier. If you are an operator, then the contract is between the operator, and the supplier. TravelShop Booking saves the contract text and your booking data to manage the contractual relationship.

When utilizing the TravelShop Booking platform, travelers commit to supplying all necessary personal information promptly, comprehensively, and truthfully. Specifically, travelers need to disclose upfront any circumstances and restrictions that may impact the execution of services by TravelShop Booking and the supplier, such as special needs like food intolerances, restricted mobility, or health conditions.

The Traveler commits to reviewing all contractual documents received through Travelshop Booking's Services, such as travel contracts, booking confirmations, and vouchers, for accuracy and completeness, including spelling errors (e.g., name, date of birth, special travel requirements). Any identified errors must be promptly reported to TravelShop Booking and the Supplier.

Travelers are responsible for notifying TravelShop Booking and tour suppliers during their booking process about any restrictions they may have, such as restricted mobility, pregnancy, or special medical needs.

It is recommended that any complaints be submitted in writing to TravelShop Booking via [email protected]. Failure to report any discrepancies may prejudice the Traveler. However, reporting a discrepancy alone does not impose any legal obligations on TravelShop Booking or the Supplier.

In the event that the Traveler receives payments related to claims for damages or price reductions due to breach of contract, they must promptly inform TravelShop Booking.

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Response Time: 1 hourResponse Rate: 100%

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