Iasos Ancient City
The ancient city of Iasos is located on the coast of the Aegean Sea, approximately 26 kilometers west of the Milas district in the Mugla province. The city is said to have been founded by seafarers from Argos in the Peloponnesus. The Bouleuterion, one of Iasos' best-preserved buildings, stands in the Agora's southwest corner. A cemetery area on the east coast about 1 km from the city is dominated by a Late Roman Imperial Period funerary monument called the "Clock Tower," which resembles Syrian tower or podium tombs. The Turkish-Italian partnership restored the fish market, which opened as an open-air museum in 1995. The complex includes a monumental tomb arranged in the form of a prostylos-planned temple with a podium at the center of a quadrangular area and arched porticoes surrounding it.