
Perge Ancient City

Perge Ancient City is at 17 km east of Antalya city, in the Aksu district. It was one of the most beautiful ancient cities of the Roman period. It has been consisting that Hellenic Achaeans have come to the region of Pamphylia and Mopsus from Achaean is the mythological founder of the city around B.C. 120/121, after Troian War. The ancient city has reputation for its mastery of Architecture and marble sculpture, the artifacts that were found during the archaeological excavation are now can be seen in Antalya Museum. It is at the same time a sacred place for Christianity because it has been known that St. Paul during his missionary travels visited Perge.


The city was reigned under Hittites and Romans for a long time and was the capital of the Pamphylia region. During the Hellenistic period, the city was among the richest and most beautiful cities in the old world. Greek mathematician Apollonius who is a geometer and astronomer known for his work on conic sections is from Perge.


Today the ancient city has the best-preserved stadium in Turkey that has 12.000 audiences and the well-preserved theatre which has a 15.000 seat capacity can be seen with the gymnasium, agora, bath, and Hellenistic Gate. The city was abandoned in the 7th century, during Arabic invasions.


The prehistoric settlements Karain Cave, Okuzini Cave, Beldibi, Belbasi rock shelters, and Bademagaci can be seen around the region.