Bulgaria Combined Country Tours

Tour Bulgaria and Romania, two of the popular destinations and neighboring cities in the Balkans, via Bulgaria Combined Country Tours. Roam the medieval old cities in Bucharest, Veliko Tarnovo, and Turnovo. Next, discover Sofia and its tourist gems, including the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, St Sophia Church, and the Boyana Church. Bulgaria Combined Country Tours encompass these destinations along with Dubrovnik attractions such as the Church of St. Luke, Drago, Pima and Grgur Palace, the Cathedral of Assumption, the City Museum, the Dolac Market, the Stone Gate, and St. Mark's Church in Zagreb.

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Explore the Best Bulgaria Combined Country Tours Packages from a selection of 30 tours

12 Days Greece Bulgaria Turkey Combined Tour12 Days Greece Bulgaria Turkey Combined Tour

12 Days Greece Bulgaria Turkey Combined Tour

If you are looking for something special and extraordinary then look no further. Starting from Greece to Bulgaria, we will finish that great holiday with the best tour in Turkey, including Istanbul, Kusadasi, Ephesus & Cappadocia. This an exquisite tour for you with all the bells and whistles.

Tour TypePrivate
DestinationsAthensVerginaThessalonikiSandanskiRila MonasterySofiaPlovdivIstanbulIzmirKusadasiEphesusIzmirCappadociaIstanbul
Starts inAthens
Ends inIstanbul
Operated inEnglish
12 Days Greece Bulgaria Turkey Combined Tour
/ 5
12 Days, 14 Destinations
Best price guaranteed
No booking fees
19 Days Europe Balkan Countries Tour19 Days Europe Balkan Countries Tour

19 Days Europe Balkan Countries Tour

This exclusive tour is consisted of many different countries to include Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Greece with an exciting itinerary to let you enjoy the Adriatic coast and the Balkans entirely where you will also get to see Aegean Region and experience a journey through Greece. TOUR ROUTE: Istanbul - Turkey - Plovdiv - Sofia - Sandaski - Melnik - Bulgaria - Thessaloniki - Vergina - Thermopylae - Athens - Kalambaka - Greece- Ohrid - Macedonia - Tirana - Albania - Budva - Montenegro - Dubrovnik - Croatia - Mostar - Sarajevo - Travnik - Bihac - Bosnia - Ljubljana - Slovenia - Zagreb - Croatia

Tour TypePrivate
DestinationsIstanbulPlovdivSofiaRila MonasterySandanskiMelnikThessalonikiVerginaThermopylaeAthensKalambakaOhridTiranaBudvaDubrovnikMostarSarajevoTravnikBihaćPlitvice Lakes National ParkLjubljanaZagreb
Starts inIstanbul
Ends inZagreb
Operated inEnglish
19 Days Europe Balkan Countries Tour
/ 5
19 Days, 22 Destinations
Best price guaranteed
No booking fees
21 Day Europe Balkan Combined Tour21 Day Europe Balkan Combined Tour

21 Day Europe Balkan Combined Tour

This exclusive tour is consisted of many different countries to include Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Greece with an exciting itinerary to let you enjoy the Adriatic coast and the Balkans entirely where you will also get to see Aegean Region and experience a journey through Greece. TOUR ROUTE: Istanbul – Bursa (Uludag) - Kusadasi - Troy - Canakkale - Gallipoli - Edirne/Turkey - Plovdiv - Sofia - Sandaski - Melnik/Bulgaria - Thessaloniki - Vergina - Kalambaka/Greece- Skopje -Ohrid/Macedonia - Tirana/Albania - Budva/Montenegro - Dubrovnik/Croatia - Mostar - Sarajevo - Visoco Travnik - Bihac/Bosnia – Ljubljana - Bled/Slovenia - Zagreb/CroatiaTOUR ROUTE:

Tour TypePrivate
DestinationsIstanbulBursaUludagKusadasiEphesusKusadasiBergamaTroyCanakkaleEdirnePlovdivSofiaRila MonasterySandanskiMelnikThessalonikiVerginaKalambakaSkopjeOhridTiranaBudvaDubrovnikMostarSarajevoVisokoTravnikBihaćPlitvice Lakes National ParkLjubljanaBledZagreb
Starts inIstanbul
Ends inZagreb
Operated inEnglish
21 Day Europe Balkan Combined Tour
/ 5
21 Days, 32 Destinations
Best price guaranteed
No booking fees
16 Days Grand Balkan Countries Tour16 Days Grand Balkan Countries Tour

16 Days Grand Balkan Countries Tour

This exclusive tour is consisted of many different countries to include Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Greece with an exciting itinerary to let you enjoy the Adriatic coast and the Balkans entirely where you will also get to see Aegean Region and experience a journey through Greece. TOUR ROUTE: Istanbul – Turkey - Plovdiv - Sofia - Sandanski – Melnik - Bulgaria - Thessaloniki - Vergina - Kalambaka - Greece- Skopje – Ohrid - Macedonia – Tirana - Albania – Budva - Montenegro – Dubrovnik - Croatia - Mostar - Sarajevo – Visoco - Travnik – Bihac - Bosnia – Ljubljana – Bled - Slovenia – Zagreb - Croatia

Tour TypePrivate
DestinationsIstanbulPlovdivSofiaRila MonasterySandanskiMelnikThessalonikiVerginaKalambakaSkopjeOhridTiranaBudvaDubrovnikMostarSarajevoVisokoTravnikBihaćPlitvice Lakes National ParkLjubljanaBledZagreb
Starts inIstanbul
Ends inZagreb
Operated inEnglish
16 Days Grand Balkan Countries Tour
/ 5
16 Days, 23 Destinations
Best price guaranteed
No booking fees
16 Days Turkey Bulgaria Greece Combined Tour16 Days Turkey Bulgaria Greece Combined Tour

16 Days Turkey Bulgaria Greece Combined Tour

Welcome to Turkey! You will first see the best of Turkey, Istanbul, Ephesus and Cappadocia. And move onto Bulgaria, the Exotic country of Eastern Europe. You finally get to Greece, the birth place of all ancient cultures. Come with us to feel the best of Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece! There is no better option to experience these three countries in 16 days. If you have 16 days for your holiday, we highly recommend you to choose this program.

Tour TypePrivate
DestinationsIstanbulIzmirKusadasiEphesusIzmirCappadociaIstanbulPlovdivSofiaRila MonasterySandanskiMelnikThessalonikiVerginaMeteoraKalambakaDelphiAthensMykonosAthens
Starts inIstanbul
Ends inAthens
Operated inEnglish
16 Days Turkey Bulgaria Greece Combined Tour
/ 5
16 Days, 20 Destinations
Best price guaranteed
No booking fees
14 Days Seven Wonders of Turkey and Bulgaria Tour14 Days Seven Wonders of Turkey and Bulgaria Tour

14 Days Seven Wonders of Turkey and Bulgaria Tour

If you are looking for something special and extraordinary then look no further. The best tour in Turkey including Istanbul, Kusadasi, Ephesus, Pamukkale, Antalya, Cappadocia and onto Bulgaria with Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Kazanlak, Etara, Veliko Tarnovo and Arbanassi. This an exquisite tour for you with all the bells and whistles. There are no long bus rides just domestic flights getting you to your destination comfortably and relaxed.

Tour TypePrivate
DestinationsIstanbulIzmirKusadasiEphesusPamukkaleMuratpasaaCappadociaIstanbulSofiaPlovdivStara ZagoraVeliko TarnovoSofia
Starts inIstanbul
Ends inSofia
Operated inEnglish
14 Days Seven Wonders of Turkey and Bulgaria Tour
/ 5
14 Days, 13 Destinations
Best price guaranteed
No booking fees
15 Days Bulgaria Greek Island Combined Tour15 Days Bulgaria Greek Island Combined Tour

15 Days Bulgaria Greek Island Combined Tour

Wonderful trip to Bulgaria and Greece that will last over two weeks where you will get the see the very best of Europe and return home with postcard-like memories from Sofia to Athens and onto the never ending beaches of Santorini and Mykonos.

Tour TypePrivate
DestinationsSofiaVeliko TarnovoArbanasiBalchikNessebar Sunny BeachNessebar Stara ZagoraKazanlukBachkovo MonasteryPlovdivSofiaRila MonasteryBanskoThessalonikiVerginaVerginaThermopylaeAthensSantoriniMykonosAthens
Starts inSofia
Ends inAthens
Operated inEnglish
15 Days Bulgaria Greek Island Combined Tour
/ 5
15 Days, 22 Destinations
Best price guaranteed
No booking fees
24 Days Europe Balkan Countries Tour24 Days Europe Balkan Countries Tour

24 Days Europe Balkan Countries Tour

This exclusive tour is consisted of many different countries to include Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Greece with an exciting itinerary to let you enjoy the Adriatic coast and the Balkans entirely where you will also get to see Aegean Region and experience a journey through Greece. TOUR ROUTE: Istanbul – Bursa (Uludag) - Kusadasi - Troy - Canakkale - Gallipoli - Edirne - Turkey - Plovdiv - Sofia - Sandaski - Melnik - Bulgaria - Thessaloniki - Vergina - Thermopylae - Athens - Kalambaka - Greece- Ohrid - Macedonia - Tirana - Albania - Budva - Montenegro - Dubrovnik - Croatia - Mostar - Sarajevo - Travnik - Bihac - Bosnia - Ljubljana - Slovenia - Zagreb - Croatia

Tour TypePrivate
DestinationsIstanbulBursaKusadasiEphesusBergamaTroyGallipoliEdirnePlovdivSofiaRila MonasterySandanskiMelnikThessalonikiVerginaThermopylaeAthensKalambakaOhridTiranaBudvaDubrovnikMostarSarajevoTravnikBihaćPlitvice Lakes National ParkLjubljanaZagreb
Starts inIstanbul
Ends inZagreb
Operated inEnglish
24 Days Europe Balkan Countries Tour
/ 5
24 Days, 29 Destinations
Best price guaranteed
No booking fees
11 Days Bulgaria Greece Combined Tour11 Days Bulgaria Greece Combined Tour

11 Days Bulgaria Greece Combined Tour

One of the best combined tour programs in the world. In 11 days, you will be able to see one of the most beautiful cities of Europe; Sofia, one of the best places to feel the cultural heritages of Europe; Athens. Your journey will end on the great beaches of Mykonos and Santorini.

Tour TypePrivate
DestinationsSofiaKoprivshtitsaSofiaRila MonasteryBanskoThessalonikiVerginaThermopylaeAthensSantoriniMykonosAthens
Starts inSofia
Ends inAthens
Operated inEnglish
11 Days Bulgaria Greece Combined Tour
/ 5
11 Days, 12 Destinations
Best price guaranteed
No booking fees
23 Days Balkan Countries Combined Tour23 Days Balkan Countries Combined Tour

23 Days Balkan Countries Combined Tour

This exclusive tour is consisted of many different countries to include Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Greece with an exciting itinerary to let you enjoy the Adriatic coast and the Balkans entirely where you will also get to see Aegean Region and experience a journey through Greece.

Tour TypePrivate
DestinationsIstanbulBursaKusadasiEphesusBergamaTroyGallipoliEdirnePlovdivSofiaRila MonasterySandanskiMelnikThessalonikiVerginaKalambakaOhridTiranaBudvaDubrovnikMostarSarajevoTravnikBihaćPlitvice Lakes National ParkLjubljanaZagreb
Starts inIstanbul
Ends inZagreb
Operated inEnglish
23 Days Balkan Countries Combined Tour
/ 5
23 Days, 27 Destinations
Best price guaranteed
No booking fees
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